Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Where’s the fire

The baby boom is on. Everyone I know is having/has had kids. Not that I dont, but personally, being a man and falling into categorical pattern of delusional phobia of commitment, responsibility and being socially institutionalized, I would have waited longer.

But that's a different view. It seems that once you enter parenthood, you are touched by some sort of light. Its like parenthood shades, you see more parents, going to be parents, you preach parenthood, joys of parenthood, obviously you cant really say otherwise. To the likes of this peer and social pressure fall more victims.

As I enter through the gates of parenthood, I see a whole new set of inductees and I find myself saying “why didn’t they tell me this was going to be a party”.

It seems that people are rushing in, and as I realize the devilish instinct to promote the cult, I can’t help but think, I may have contributed to the fire.



Tiger is now 3(months), my new life has started; things have more or less fallen in to a pattern. Things have found places for them selves, work has found slots of time, issues have formed/are forming knowledge bases, routine has found place and life now turns predictable-somewhat.

The need for a pattern or template was simply to standardize the flow in my life. What is funny however is while I orient my life to sort out disorder; I am now making my self available to further introduce entropic elements. A natural tendency I must say, especially if you’ve read juggler’s ball. Another pattern to note here is while I order my life; I am forming a pattern to append disorder. These together form some pattern of behavior, which seeds its own growth. In mathematical terms a ‘Fractal’.

What is a fractal anyway? defines it as “a geometric pattern that is repeated at every scale”. My pattern in my life is formed of so many such small patterns. The extent of this has influenced my style of working and living. What’s interesting also is the fact that, these patterns can now be applied to people and behaviour, so much so that they can now be referred to as a collection of patterns them selves. My wife may adapt my patterns to tackle issues, while I may refer my son to model after his mother’s pattern of say cleaning. An interesting fact also is that a new pattern you start or pick up may be a requirement of you as a pattern yourself.

While I continue to define this I am afraid I may fractal-ize myself, but wait I am already a fractal.
