Not necessarily the best way to begin a blog, but that what i feel right now. Against my instincts telling me not to watch the video of the American hostage Eugen Armstrong beheading, i decided i would. The verbal text description although built a gruesome picture, it did not fill in the void of visual context.
I started looking for links to the video. Most of the sites referring to the story refer to the source as the Site known for Islamic Content. Any how, without much diffculty i was able to find links to sites hosting the videos of the beheading.
How could they do such a barbaric act, i had to see it for myself to believe it. The video was horrifying, the experience of watching it was something i do not wish on any to do. I could not believe what i saw and as i saw it, it made me turn inside, such a gruesome act. It had no audio and i can not imagine how much worse it could be. But i watched it again, and again and again.
I feel anger, rage,despair, confusion, i... i ... i... feel sad.
My emotions are in turmoil, its like being in a state where i do understand but i dont. I wish to inflicint the same on the inflictor. I have so much anger for these people. Killing in the name of cause is one thing, but to torture some one to death in that manner, that to an innocent man, that is no cause- however you may choose to justify it.
So many questions flying through my head, but i guess what i want myself answered rather understood is what the video had brought with in my self.
The question here being am i giving in to thier cause by actually watching the video and acknowledging the effect thier act produced? Would i feel the same if they had just shot him in the head? I dont know, but i guess not.
The graphic slaying has defnitely had an impact but not of intimidation, but more of fury. No matter what the answer to my question, i know for a fact i will not understand thier cause and hence forth i will not try to either.
I read somewhere fire does not fight fire, it adds to fire. The end result being more innocence will fall victimized.
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